Tuesday 12 November 2013

Coconut Milk - Cooking Essentials

If you are from tamilnadu especially from chettinad you must prepare coconut milk for at least 4 or 5 times a week because coconut milk plays a significant role in your dish. I suggest coconut milk instead of coconut paste in my curries because it gives affluent aroma to our dish. We must choose mature coconut to make this milk.

Coconut Milk –Cooking essentials
1)    Coconut – 1
2)   Water as required

Ø  Wash coconut and grate it.

Ø  Add coconut to a mixer or food processor and grind it.
Ø  Strain the coconut in a cloth or strainer. Milk prepared here is thick milk.
Ø  Add the paste again to mixer and add little amount of water to it and grind it.
Ø  Again strain the paste in cloth and this is thin milk.

Ø  If you are adding this milk to curry first add thin milk while the curry is cooking then before we take
Ø  The curry from flame we should add thick milk.

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