Tuesday 13 August 2013

Kaju Katli - Diwali Sweets

Kaju katli is many of our all time favourite sweet. I always order it in first place when it comes to sweet. One day I have interested in doing this recipe and browse for this sweet in net and bookmarked it. I have some. Cashews in my kitchen so thought of doing it and did it. It came perfectly well in taste. So here I posted my recipe .
Kaju katli
1 cup
½ Cup
¼ cup
1 tbsp
Ghee or butter
For greasing

à Grind the cashew well into powder.(It will look like coarse)
à In a wide pan heat the water when it boils add sugar and mix well.
à Sugar with dilute and form syrup of thick one strand consistency.
à At this stage lower the flame and add cashew powder and mix well.
à It will boil and paste will leave the pan without sticking at this stage off the flame and stir it in same pan become as dough.
à When it is hand bearable hot take it and kneads it to nice dough (as in for chapatti or puri). Sprinkle few drops of water if dough becomes dry while kneading.
à Now grease a flat plate with ghee or butter and place the dough in it and flatten it using flattener.
à Cut it into desire shape while it is hot.
à Allow it to cool in room temperature and serve it.

à Can use aluminium foil at top of dough before cutting.
à It can be served as any shape but as in kaju katli it will be diamond shape.

For beginners dough may be harder or shape may not perfect if you do it two or three times it will come perfectly. Now what are you waiting for go and make the sweet and enjoy your evening.

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